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$250.00 Online Course 8 Hours - This course is an introductory education on the complete lymphatic system. Participants will learn the anatomy of the lymphatic system, including anastomoses, watersheds, territories, bundles and more.
Upon completion of this online... | |
$130.00 Online Course 5 Hours - In this intermediate-level course, participants will learn about the mechanisms of fluid transfer between the blood capillaries, tissues and lymph capillaries. In addition, the function of the lymphatic system and its role in fluid... | |
$200.00 Online Course 8 Hours - This intermediate-level course includes the main causes of lymphedema, the differentiation between primary and secondary lymphedema, and the various stages of lymphedema. Participants learn the different imaging techniques used for the... | |
$150.00 Online Course 6 Hours - Participants will review of various complications that may be associated with lymphedema and how they may affect the treatment itself and/or treatment outcomes. Also included in this intermediate-level course is the body’s reaction to... | |
$130.00 Online Course 5 Hours - In this intermediate-level course, participants will learn the pathophysiology of venous insufficiencies and the stages of this condition. This includes the effects of venous insufficiencies as they relate to the dynamics on the blood... | |
$130.00 Online Course 5 Hours - In this intermediate-level course, participants will learn the inflammatory response of the soft tissues due to traumatic events and the negative effects of swelling associated with trauma. In addition, participants learn how the... | |
$150.00 Online Course 6 Hours - In this intermediate-level course, participants will learn the phases and components of Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT). The four components of CDT are Manual Lymph Drainage, Compression, Skin Care and Exercise. Included in this... |
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